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Miami, Florida ~ 305-666-3300

USA TOLL FREE: 1-866-666-1935

TR1 Reversible Tip

The best overall performing tip in the industry

Long-lasting orifice gives you more usable tip life, spraying a consistent film thickness and wasting less paint.

  • The best overall performing tip in the industry
  • Fits all Titan and most other industry spray gun guards
  • Maximum Working Pressure: 5000 PSI (53.1 MPa)
2 found, showing page 1 of 1
Item Description Price UM Qty Add to Cart
024 - TR-1 8" FAN .015 TIP TI695415 024 - TR-1 8" FAN .015 TIP 38.60 / EA Ships in 5-7 Days
TR-1 8" FAN .017 TIP TI695417 TR-1 8" FAN .017 TIP 38.60 / EA Call for Availability
2 found, showing page 1 of 1
O-Gee Paint Co.
6995 Bird Road
Miami, Florida 33155
Local: 305-666-3300
US Toll Free: 1-866-666-1935
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